
Reducing Class Size: Not So Cut and Dry

Class sizes are booming across the country, but not everybody agrees that obese classrooms are a bad thing. According to Education Week (www.edweek.org), the average number of students per classroom is inching its way up as school districts struggle to deal with their...

“Waiting for Superman”

If you haven’t been watching or reading the news, then you may think we are about to talk about comic books or a new superhero movie. Alas, no. That would be more heartening. But instead we are talking about the state of schools in our nation.  Although most would...

Goodbye Michelle Rhee

If you have been paying attention, then by now you know that Washington, D.C., Public School Chancellor Michelle Rhee resigned her position. She is the controversial leader who decided to fire more than 200 teachers for poor performance this year, a move that is...