Adding it Up: Tricks & Traps for the SAT & ACT Math

Adding it Up: Tricks & Traps for the SAT & ACT Math

The beauty of algebra lies in the simplicity of one correct answer (and only one!). Not only is the answer to a math question either correct or incorrect, there’s objective reasoning to back it up. Keep these tips and tricks in mind when sitting for the math section...

More Education Equals Better Blood Pressure?

For those of you thinking about whether to continue your education after high school, things may soon become clearer. A new study shows a link between higher education and lower blood pressure. And females, take note. The link is more apparent in women. Here’s the...

State of the Union

  President Obama’s recent State of the Union address featured education as a prominent topic. Obama, like many presidents before him, recognizes the importance of a strongly educated workforce. But will his ideas lead to higher quality education? In his speech,...

For-Profit Colleges Under Scrutiny

It seems obvious to say that not all colleges are created equal. There is a big difference between Harvard and your local community college. But there is an even greater divide between the typical college system and for-profit educational institutions. Critics of...

A Remedial Future

Community colleges are a great way to ease into the college life. They provide a relatively low cost, quality educational alternative to spending your first two years at expensive four year colleges taking the basics. Unfortunately, many of the students going to...